Andoni Ortuzar encourages Szeklerland to continue in this peaceful struggle for Autonomy
Letter to Mr. Balász Izsák, President of Szekler National Council by Andoni Ortuzar, President of the National Council of the Basque National Party, reading during the Szekler´s freedom day in Marosvásárhely-Târgu Mureș.
"Dear you all,
First of all I would like to express my gratitude to the President Mr. Balász Izsák to give me the opportunity to address you in this historical Szekler´s freedom day.
I would like to share with you my optimism for the future of Szeklerland. As you know better than me, History shows us that the political constructions like Kingdoms, Empires and even States, at the end of the day, disappear. However, national and rooted cultures which resist persistently to the process of dominance of great States and globalisation finally prevail.
You have been working and living in this lovely territory during centuries and even Millenniums under the umbrella of different political structures. Whereas these organisations fade way you still today here, raising your flag, in the same land of your ancestors.
In this sense I encourage you to continue in this peaceful struggle for autonomy in order to preserve your identity and strengthen the economy and the welfare of Szeklerland citizens.
I really hope that on the 10th of March of next year we can celebrate together some steps in that direction.
In this day of freedom and on behalf of the Basque National Party I wish you to succeed in this endeavour for the well-being of you, people of this Europe's old Land.
With my kindest regards,
Andoni Ortuzar".