Urkullu: ”The Basque National Party has a plan for the future of the Basque Country”
During the 80th Aberri Eguna, the Day of the Basque Homeland, which the Basque National Party marked today in a packed Plaza Nueva square in Bilbao, the EAJ-BNP Euzkadi Buru Batzar Chairman stressed that “it is not the right moment to waste time or for daring experiments. This country needs to regain trust in its managers. It needs to set its course. Put one foot in front of the other to return to the path of progress. And we believe progress to be national construction. Building the Basque Country will help our companies to find new markets in the world".
Discurso Aberri Eguna 2012-ko Aberri Egunaren hitzaldia
INTERVENCIóN - 04/08/2012
“It is committing to innovation, technology and knowledge. It is committing to people. To show our strength again. To return to strong public accounts. To work to position ourselves in the fast-trackEurope. To turn the Basque Country into a nation in keeping with training, cultural diversity and European economic development. It is committing to taking decisions. Taking decisions each day to ensure the Basque Country is recognised as a European Nation," he stressed.
Urkullu also added that ”the Basque National Party has a plan for the future of the Basque Country. The Basque National Party offers experience, leadership and solutions. We will show that we know how to find our place in Europeand the globalised world. A place for economic progress. A place for social cohesion. A place to generate wealth, employment and wellbeing. A place for growth. And our own place. Our place. Ours!”